Socio-Environmental Platform

The Socio-Environmental Platform


The Socio-Environmental Platform is a program developed by the Brics Policy Center (BPC),of the International Relations Institute of PUC-Rio. It provides a space for learning and exchange of knowledge and embraces projects dedicated to the research and promotion of dialogues amongst different actors on topics such as global environmental governance, BRICS countries’ climate initiatives and environmental and climate justice.In addition to Policy Briefs and other publications, the Platform also provides the Socio-Environmental Radar and the podcast “Meio Descomplicado“.



Fundação Heinrich Böll Brasil

Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS)



Plataforma Socioambiental
Rua das Laranjeiras 307 – Laranjeiras– Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brasil –
Phone/Fax: (55) 21-2535.0447


Polycentric Governance

Through the creation of a Study Group between BRICS Policy Center, from Brazil, and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), from Germany, this project envisages both the production of knowledge and elaboration...

HUB Climate Data

Projeto voltado à criação de um Hub brasilieiro dedicado ao monitoramento e compartilhamento de dados, bem como à análises sobre a implementação das Contribuições Nacionalmente Determinadas (NDCs) no Brasil. O...

BRICS and Climate

The impact of the actions of the countries that constitute the BRICS goes beyond the scope of the economic sector, reaching, among others, the socio-environmental agenda through issues such as the exploitation...

Meio Descomplicado

Podcast that follows and analyzes the most current topics about governance, sustainability, and the environment. This podcast is a part of the research program Socio-Environmental Platform, from the BRICS Policy Center. Available only in Portuguese.

All Episodes


Overview of the 2024 Environmental Conferences

The Socio-Environmental Radar is a publication by the Socio-Environmental Platform that focuses on discussing important issues for socio-environmental issues at domestic and international levels.

Fact Sheet | Executive Summary: The Climate Ambition of the...

This executive summary seeks to synthesize the main data on the climate situation of the BRICS countries and analyze where the climate ambition of each country stands, in order to...

Fact Sheet | Infographic: Climate ambition of the BRICS countries

"What is the climate ambition of the BRICS countries? To answer this question, we have prepared five infographics that gather the main data regarding each BRICS nation in terms of...

Pre-COP 27: What happened at the Bonn conference?

In this new edition, the Radar Socioambiental the transcript of the interview with Cíntya Feitosa for the Meio Descomplicado, the podcast of the BRICS Policy Center’s Socio-Environmental Platform. Cíntya Feitosa...

Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Adriana Bueno

In its 40th edition, Radar Socioambiental presents fragments of an interview with Adriana Bueno, PhD in Political Science from the Institute of Social and Political Studies at the Rio de...

Radar Socioambiental: Retrospective 2020

In its 41st edition, Radar Socioambiental makes a Retrospective of the year 2020, with the themes addressed in our Podcast, Meio Descomplicado, and in the Socio Environmental Radars as the...

Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Lara Iwanicki

Nesta nova edição, o Radar Socioambiental traz a transcrição da entrevista com Lara Iwanicki para o Meio Descomplicado, o podcast da Plataforma Socioambiental do BRICS Policy Center. Lara é gerente...

Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Ana Carolina Amaral

In its 44th edition, Radar Socioambiental presents excerpts from the interview with Ana Carolina Amaral, a journalist with a degree from UNESP and a Master in Holistic Sciences from Schumacher...

Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Joana Simoni and Julianna Malerba

In its 45th edition, Radar Socioambiental presents excerpts from the interview with Joana Simoni, coordinator of Agriculture Programs and Projects of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Brazil, and Julianna Malerba,...

43rd Radar Socioambiental: Climate Summit

In its 43rd edition, Radar Socioambiental is dedicated to analyzing the Climate Summit based on the Webinar "Developments of the Climate Summit and the participation of Brazil in climate governance",...

Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Ana Toni

In its 42nd edition, Radar Socioambiental presents excerpts from the interview with Ana Toni, executive director of the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS), PhD in World Economy Policies from...

39º Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Maureen Santos

In its 39th edition, Radar Socioambiental presents excerpts from the interview with Maureen Santos, coordinator of the Socio-Environmental Platform, Professor at IRI PUC-Rio and coordinator of the National Advisory Group...

38th Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Alessandra Cardoso

In its 38th edition, Radar Socioambiental presents fragments of an interview with Alessandra Cardoso, a public budget specialist at the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies (INESC). The interview, which took place...

Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Licio Caetano

In its 37th edition, Radar Socioambiental presents fragments of the interview with Licio Caetano do Rego Monteiro, Adjunct Professor of Human Geography at the Department of Geography and Public Policy...

Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Marcela Vecchione

In its 36th edition, Radar Socioambiental presents fragments of the interview with Marcela Vecchione, PhD Professor at the Center for Higher Amazonian Studies at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA)...

Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Izabella Teixeira

In its 35th edition, Radar Socioambiental presents fragments of the interview with Izabella Teixeira, who held the position of Minister of Environment of Brazil between 2010 and 2016 and is...

Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Marcelo Montenegro

In this new edition, Radar Socioambiental brings the transcript of the interview with Marcelo Montenegro for Meio Descomplicado, the podcast of the Socio-Environmental Platform of the BRICS Policy Center. Marcelo...

Radar Socioambiental: 2019 in retrospective

In its 34th edition, Radar Socioambiental is dedicated to a retrospective of the year 2019, addressing international conferences and Brazil in socio environmental terms. The Radar begins by analyzing the...

COP 25 – Climate Change

In its 33rd edition, Radar Socioambiental analyzes the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP 25) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held between December 2 and...

Fact Sheet | Fiji and the NDCs: Yesterday, today and...

Climate change is already a reality and affects the lives of millions around the world, especially the inhabitants of island countries. The signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015 brought...

Observatory of Subnational Actors: Maranhão

Continuing with the series of studies published by the Observatory of Subnational Actors of the Socio-Environmental Platform, this research focuses its efforts on an analysis of the legislation, environmental legal...

Fact Sheet | Brazilian Climate Policy: A comparison of the...

This Fact Sheet conducts a comparative analysis of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) presented by Brazil to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in the years 2015...

Observatory of Subnational Actors: Pará

This study is part of the series "Observatory of Subnational Actors" of the Socio-Environmental Platform, a research program of the Brics Policy Center which is supported by the Climate and...

Observatory of Subnational Actors: Mato Grosso

Continuing with the series of studies published by the Observatory of Subnational Actors of the Socio-Environmental Platform, the present research focuses its efforts on an analysis of environmental legislation and...

Observatory of Subnational Actors: Federal District (DF)

Continuing the series of Fact Sheets published by the Observatory of Subnational Actors of the Socio-Environmental Platform, this study turns to the analysis of the legislative matters and environmental actions...

Observatory of Subnational Actors – Rio de Janeiro

This series of publications aims to investigate the contribution of Brazilian federative units to polycentric climate governance, emphasizing the possible interconnections arising from Fluminense legislations and initiatives established in the...

Subnational Observatory – State of Amazonas

This study aims to understand who are the legislative actors dedicated to socio-environmental agendas and how the climate agenda has been addressed in the state of Amazonas from 2008 to...

The United Nations Climate Action Summit

In its 31th edition, the Socio-environmental Radar analyses The United Nations Climate Action Summit. The edition provides an overview of the Climate Summit, including the statements made by the BRICS...

1st Assembly ONU Habitat

In their 29th edition, the Socio-Environmental Radar dedicates its analysis to the 1st United Nations Human Settlements (UN-Habitat) Assembly, that took place between May 27 and 31 in Nairobi, Kenya, under the theme, "Innovation...

The 4th United Nations Environment Assembly

In its 28th edition, the Socioenvironmental Radar analysis the results of the 4th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). This edition provides an overall view of the UNEA, presents the assembly’s...

The Path for Energy Transition? The role of private actors...

This paper aims to analyze the role of the private actors of the energy sector in the new model of climate governance, also known as polycentric governance.

2018 Retrospective

In its 27th edition, the Socioenvironmental Radar is dedicated to a retrospective of the main events that marked the year of 2018, in regards to the BRICS and their participation...

COP 24 – Climate Change

In it's 26th edition, the Socioenvironmental Radar analyses the results of the 24th Conference of Parties (COP) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

COP 14 – Convention on Biological Diversity

In it's 25th edition, the Socioenvironmental Radar analyses the results of the 14th Conference of Parties (COP) of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

C20 Summit

This edition provides an overall view of the C20, as of it's functioning and previous summits, and analyses the results of the summit that took place in Buenos Aires, as...

10th BRICS Summit

Socioenvironmental Radar is a monthly publication focused on environmental news related to the five BRICS countries. Each month a theme is chosen and news on the subject will be published....

The III Meeting of the BRICS New Development Bank

The Socio-environmental Radar is a monthly publication focused on the environmental news related to the five BRICS countries. Each month a theme is chosen and news on the subject will...

Agreement between Mercosur and the European Union

This document is dedicated to analyzing the Agreement between Mercosur and the European Union, still under negotiation, regarding its socio-environmental treatment and offers a critical view of it.

The Brazilian model of Investment Agreements and Socio-environmental Safeguards

This Quarterly Brief seeks to analyze similarities and differences between the new Brazilian CIFAs and traditional bilateral investment agreements - as well as to evaluate them in light of alternative...

International Sustainable and Climate Finance: Where are we and which...

This brief focus on climate finance, as it encompasses a substantive part of the resources in this broader sustainability agenda, and presents updated data on climate finance flows and for...

Gender and Energy approaches by BASIC countries

This Policy Brief analysis how the BASIC countries have incorporated gender and energy issues in their NDCs and assesses some of the interrelations between key energy and gender inequalities of...

The World Water Forum and the Alternative World Water Forum

The Socio-environmental Radar is a monthly publication focused on the environmental theme in the five BRICS countries. In its 20th edition, the Socio-environmental Radar is dedicated to analyzing the World...

2017 Special Retrospective

The Socio-environmental Radar is a monthly publication focused on the environmental theme in the five BRICS countries. In its 19th edition, the Socio-environmental Radar is dedicated to a 2017 retrospective...

The 23rd Conference of the Parties of Climate Change (COP23)

This edition of the RADAR aims to present which were the main expectations regarding COP23, the position defended – individually and collectively- by the BASIC countries – composed by Brazil,...

The 9th BRICS Summit

Socioambiental Radar is a monthly publication focusing on the environmental theme of the five BRICS countries. In its 17th edition, Radar Socioambiental aims to analyze the 9th BRICS Summit, held in...

The Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification Mechanisms for Developing Countries under...

This Policy Brief provides a series of political recommendations to the BASIC countries.

Socio-environmental flexibilization in Brazil and International Investments

In this 16th edition, the Socioenvironmental Radar analyses the process of flexibilization in socio-environmental legislation in Brazil and its potential effects on internacional investments.

The 12th Summit of G20

This Radar analyses the twelfth G20 summit, held in Hamburg, Germany.

UN Conference on the Oceans: Our Oceans, Our Future

In its 14th edition, the Socioambiental Radar has as main objective to analyze the first UN High Level Conference for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Objective (ODS) 14, entitled...

Triple COPs: Basle, Rotterdam and Stockholm Convention

In its 13th edition, Radar Socioambiental analyzes the Triple COPs. The conference reunites three important environmental conventions: the Basel Convention on Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, the Rotterdam Convention on Pesticides...

The BASIC and the Biennial Reports for the Climate Convention’s...

Among the BASIC countries, only Brazil and South Africa presented their First Biennial Update Report (BUR 1) in December 2014, according to the stipulated deadline. Recently, in March 2017, Brazil presented...

The BRICS Energy

The tenth Socio-environmental Radar analyzes ‘Rise 2016’, a recently publication launched by the World Bank. Based on the data collected, this document identifies advances and challenges presented by the five...

2016 Special Retrospective

In its 9th edition, RADAR Socioambiental presents a retrospective of the main multilateral conferences and environmental agreements signed in 2016, the financing packages approved by the multilateral development banks of...

22nd Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP22)

In its eighth edition, the Radar addresses the 22nd Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP22), which took place in early November in Morocco. The publication will address the pre-COP...

The New Multilateral Development Banks and Socio-environmental Safeguards

By analyzing three sets of socio-environmental policies and safeguards recently disclosed by the two new MDBs noted above and by the World Bank, which just presented a revision of its...

The 8th BRICS Summit

In its 7th edition, RADAR addresses the theme of the 8th BRICS Summit, which took place on October 15 and 16 in Goa, India. This edition presents the main documents signed...

The 11th G20 Summit

The Socio-Environmental Radar is a monthly publication focusing on environmental news about the five BRICS countries. Each month a theme is chosen and news from this subject will be published. This publication...

Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)

The Socio-environmental Radar is a monthly publication focused on the environmental news related to the five BRICS countries. Each month a theme is chosen and news on the subject will...

New Development Bank

The Socio-environmental Radar is a monthly publication focused on the environmental news related to the five BRICS countries. Each month a theme is chosen and news on the subject will...

Social Innovation as a tool for Enhancing Women’s Resilience to...

This paper explores the relationship between climate change and gender with a special focus on the BRICS countries. It argues that social innovations constitute tools for enhancing women’s adaptive capacity....

Ratification of the Paris Agreement by BRICS

In its first publication, the Socio-environmental Radar presents the individual position of the BRICS countries regarding the signing of the Paris Agreement. In bringing the challenges and advances of each...

INDCs of BRICS countries to the COP21

By the end of October 2015, 128 countries had submitted their contributions, representing more than 85% of global emissions.

Mega-Dams in the Brazilian Amazon: towards a green, sustainable and...

This Policy Brief analyses the pros and cons of constructing mega-dams in brazilian Amazon.

The BRICS on the road to COP 21

This Policy Brief analyses the process that leads the BRICS to COP 21 in Paris.



Maria Beatriz


Maureen Santos

Socio-Environmental Platform Coordinator / Researcher

Paulo Esteves

MAPI Coordinator / Researcher