Fact Sheet | Infographic: Climate ambition of the BRICS countries

“What is the climate ambition of the BRICS countries? To answer this question, we have prepared five infographics that gather the main data regarding each BRICS nation in terms of GHG and methane emission quotas, targets presented in their respective Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to combat climate change, their climate commitments, and their contribution to the increase in global temperature. The publication of these infographics is accompanied by the release of an executive summary, which brings an analysis on the climate conjuncture of the BRICS countries.

These publications are results of the research project “The Climate Ambition of BRICS countries”, conducted by the BRICS Policy Center’s Socio-Environmental Platform in partnership with the Graduate Program in Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (CPDA/UFRRJ) and supported by the Climate and Society Institute (iCS).”
