31 de October de 2022
Fact Sheet, Fact Sheet, Plataforma Socioambiental, Plataforma Socioambiental, Publications, Publications
Observatory of Subnational Actors: Pará
This study is part of the series “Observatory of Subnational Actors” of the Socio-Environmental Platform, a research program of the Brics Policy Center which is supported by the Climate and Society Institute (iCS) and was made in partnership with the research group ReExisTerra of the Nucleus of Advanced Amazonian Studies of the Federal University of Pará (NAEA-UFPA). Based on the research of legislative materials, environmental and climate policies and actions by the state of Pará, the study seeks to understand the context in which the state is inserted in the socio-environmental conjuncture from the lenses of polycentric governance, emphasizing how legislation in the climate field has been developing.