Polycentric Governance

Polycentric Governance

Through the creation of a Study Group between BRICS Policy Center, from Brazil, and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), from Germany, the current project aims to map the performance of global coalitions in the energy sector, within the scope of polycentric climate governance.

Briefing of the Activities 

The activities developed for the project about Polycentric Governance, supported by the Istitute for Climate and Society (ICS), included the collection of data about coalitions from the energy sector most active in the climate regime, later identifying the actors from the private sector that are parts of those coalitions, highlighting those who registered in the NAZCA Platform, and their projects developed. From that, a map was produced with the headquarters of the companies and their projects around the world, which may be visualized by clicking the button Energy and Climate Mapping below, and a interactive diagram with the coalitions, their members from the private sector and the initiatives registered in the NAZCA Platform, which may be visualized by clicking the button Global Coalitions from the Energy Sector.


The Path for Energy Transition? The role of private actors...

This paper aims to analyze the role of the private actors of the energy sector in the new model of climate governance, also known as polycentric governance.


Carolina Alves

Research Assistant

Maureen Santos
