
The 8th BRICS Summit

In its 7th edition, RADAR addresses the theme of the 8th BRICS Summit, which took place on October 15 and 16 in Goa, India. This edition presents the main documents signed...

Gender and Mediation

The course will pay particular attention to the debate between a normative and pragmatic approach to mediation, focusing on the normative framework of gender and its relationship to mediation practice....

International Mediation: Actors and Processes

This Teaching Package will introduce the main actors and processes involved in international mediation. It will first clarify definitional aspects on what mediation entails, how it works (roles of mediators)...

Mediation and The Global South

This Teaching Package focuses on some key issues related to the discussion of mediation and Global South; some of them: the principle of inclusivity, participatory processes in mediation, local ownership...


BRICS Intellectual Property Forum

The eight BRICS Intellectual Property Forum (BIPF) will be held, this year, in London, United Kingdom. Between the days of 21 and 22 November, 2016, discussion tables will be organized with focus on protection of...