Ninguém entra ninguém sai. Mobilidade urbana e direito à cidade no Complexo do Alemão
Lançamento da publicação elaborada conjuntamente pelo BRICS Policy Center, o Papo Reto e a Fundação Heinrich Böll.
Lançamento da publicação elaborada conjuntamente pelo BRICS Policy Center, o Papo Reto e a Fundação Heinrich Böll.
The BRICS Policy Center (BPC) has the pleasure to invite for the seminar "The Rise of China and the development of State Capacity in Africa and Latin America", organized by its project, the Global...
The "Dialogues on International Development Cooperation" promoted dialogue among key actors of International Development Cooperation (IDC) through the participation of representatives of governments, international organizations, research institutes, business, and civil society organizations.
O BPC, em parceria com o Consulado Geral Do Japão no Rio de Janeiro, convida para o seminário “The Economic Expansion of China and Its Impact on the Global Economy” . A palestra será ministrada pelo Professor Tomoo Marukawa, da Universidade de Tóquio, em inglês, e não haverá tradução simultânea.
To explore the synergies between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), interlinked with the debate on the sustaining peace agenda and the strengthening of South-South Cooperation is a matter of great...
Building on a series of policy dialogues since the 2015 agreements, this side event aims to: Contribute to the four sub-themes of BAPA +40 by presenting and discussing different approaches,...
On Thursday 13 June 2019, at 18.00, the Former President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, together with the former Minister for Justice, Eugenio Aragão, will be speaking at the launch of...
On September 03 and 05, 2019, BPC director Paulo Esteves will participate in the 29th Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdrój, Poland, on the "Will World Order Turn Into Global Chaos?" discussion panel....
BRICS Policy Center is glad to invite you to the lecture “The role of China in reframing development in the Global South: a view from South Africa”, to be taught...
The lecture will be held by BRICS Policy Center on September 08, 2019, at 04:00 p.m., and will be taught bt professor Paulo Fernando Carneiro de Andrade (PUC-Rio). For