Bibiana Maia

Press Officer

Journalist and Master in Sustainable Development Practices (UFRRJ)
Contact: [email protected]

Carolina de Oliveira Salgado



PhD in International Relations (PUC-Rio), in the area of International Politics with an emphasis on European Studies and European Union-Latin America relations. She is currently a researcher at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg. She has extensive experience in research and documentation in the areas of Contemporary History and Brazilian Foreign Policy. She also has experience in international organizations, including the Complementary Training Program of the Brazilian Delegation to the United Nations and other organizations in Geneva. She undertook academic exchanges in 2006 (Coimbra / Portugal), 2010 (Lisbon / Portugal) and 2014-2017 (Hamburg / Germany).

Beatriz Teixeira

Assistant Researcher

Beatriz Nazareth de Souza Teixeira is a master’s student in International Relations at the Institute of International Relations (IRI) at PUC-Rio and a Monitoring and Evaluation consultant at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in Geneva, Switzerland. She has a bachelor’s degree in Law, an MBA in Biodiversity and Sustainability and a professional specialization in Sustainability Management. She researches the intersection between gender, data and development. With a professional background in education and technology, she was the coordinator of the CDI Global network and the Technology at School Observatory at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation’s Center for Excellence and Innovation in Educational Policies (CEIPE/FGV). She is a researcher with the network project Critical Approaches to Development, coordinated by Prof. Isabel Rocha de Siqueira, and in the consultancies provided to g7+ with SEED/BPC.

Lucas Carames


Graduated in International Relations from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2012). Master’s degree from the Postgraduate Program in International Political Economy (PEPI-UFRJ), with a dissertation on International Financial Regulation in the aftermath of the 2007/2008 crisis. PhD in International Relations from the graduate program in International Relations of the Institute of International Relations of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Visiting researcher at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO – Buenos Aires) (2018). Assistant Coordinator for the BRICS Policy Center in Task Force 03 for the Reform of the International Financial Architecture of the T20, under the Brazilian presidency of the G20 (2024). Research interest and work in International Relations and International Political Economy, particularly in topics related to Currency/Money, Finance, International Monetary System, International Financial Regulation and BRICS. Interest in theoretical discussions associated with Critical Theory, Hegemony, Structural Power, Constructivism and post-positivist epistemologies.

Dani Dias


Dani Dias is a political scientist and PhD candidate at the Institute of International Relations of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. He is a researcher at the Center for Research on Geopolitics, Regional Integration and the World System – GIS/UFRJ, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He worked as a visiting researcher for the Global Partnership Network (GPN) at the University of Kassel, Germany (2023/2024). He holds a master’s degree from the Graduate Program in Political Science at the University of Brasília (2019), in the area of Democracy and Inequality. He also has a degree in Political Science from the University of Brasilia (2015).

Kai Michael Kenkel


He is Associate Professor 2 and Vice-Coordinator of the Academic Postgraduate Program at the Institute of International Relations of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (IRI/PUC-Rio). Since 2014 he has been an Associated Researcher at the German Institute of Global and Areas Studies in Hamburg, where he completed a post-doctoral period in 2016-2017. She has a CNPq Level 2 productivity grant and a FAPERJ Scientist Grant. She holds a doctorate and a master’s degree from the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Études Internationales (IUHEI, now IHEID/Graduate Institute) in Geneva, and an undergraduate degree (with Departmental Honors) from Johns Hopkins University. He has taught at renowned universities in Brazil, Canada, Germany and Switzerland. He is the General Coordinator of the Democracy and Armed Forces Center at PUC-Rio. From 2013 to 2016 he was Coordinator of the Graduate Program at IRI/PUC-Rio and from 2010 to 2013, editor of the magazine Contexto Internacional. He was Director of Institutional Relations for the Brazilian Association of Defense Studies from 2014 to 2016. He is currently Coordinator of the Thematic Area of International Security, Strategic Studies and Defense Policy of the Brazilian Association of International Relations (ABRI). He publishes, teaches and advises in the area of international security, with an emphasis on peace operations, humanitarian intervention, civil-military relations and small arms.

Paula Sandrin



Adjunct Professor of International Relations at IRI/PUC-Rio, with a doctorate (2013) and a master’s degree (2007 – with merit) in International Relations from the University of Westminster and a degree in Social Communication from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio De Janeiro (2004). She is co-editor of Contexto Internacional: journal of global connections. Her teaching and research interests include the role of affects and emotions in global politics and economics; psychoanalytic approaches in IR; racial issues in IR; relations between the European Union and Turkey.

Bernardo Beiriz Marques Barbosa

Research Intern (Undergraduate IRI/PUC-Rio)

Undergraduate student in International Relations at PUC-Rio; he was a researcher in the Tutorial Education Program (PET) organized by IRI at PUC-Rio and coordinated by Isabel R. de Siqueira. His research interests include topics such as Cybersecurity, Internet Governance and Science and Technology Studies.

Paula Simas Magalhães

Research Fellow

Paula Simas Magalhães leads the Emergency Response Team (ERT) of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) for South America. In this role, she oversees analysis and prevention work, as well as crisis response, including humanitarian emergencies. Previously, she served in various capacities with the United Nations in Mozambique, South Africa, Palestine, Uganda, Haiti and at headquarters in Geneva and New York. Prior to her service at the UN, she worked with the Associação Cidade Escola Aprendiz in São Paulo. She holds a postgraduate degree in international human rights law from Oxford University, a master’s degree in political science from the London School of Economics, and a bachelor’s degree in economics and international relations from McGill University.