Marta Fernández

Director of the BRICS Policy Center | Researcher


PhD in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2011) with a CAPES sandwich scholarship at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland (2010). She holds a master’s degree in International Relations from IRI-PUC-Rio (1996). Adjunct Professor II, 40 hours, exclusive dedication, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Director of the Institute of International Relations at PUC-Rio (2016-2020). She was coordinator of the Undergraduate Program in International Relations at IRI/PUC-Rio (November 2012 to March 2014). She was coordinator of the Graduate Program at IRI/PUC-Rio (February 2016 to December 2016). FAPERJ Young Scientist Fellow (2017-2018). CNPq Research Productivity Fellow – Level 2. Brazilian editor of Palgrave Macmillan’s Global Political Sociology series. Member of the Fiscal Council of ABRI (Brazilian Association of International Relations). Coordinator of the TEPP Program (Tutoring and Teaching and Research) at the Institute of International Relations of PUC-Rio, researching Africa(s) (2012). Tutor for the PET Program (2013-2016) She has taught at Cândido Mendes University, Unilasalle, Estácio de Sá University and Dom Bosco University. Teaching experience in the areas of: Postcolonial Studies, Introduction to International Politics, International Relations Theory, International Security, International Organizations, Formation of the International System, History of the 20th century and Contemporary International Relations. She coordinated the International Relations course at the Estácio de Sá-Niterói University (1998-2003). Member of the Brazilian Association of International Relations (ABRI) and the International Studies Association (ISA). Member at-large of IPS (International Political Sociology) in 2017. Researcher for the GlobalGRACE International Project (Global Gender and Cultures of Equality). Her main areas of interest and publications focus on: International Relations Theory, Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies, Aesthetics, Race and Gender Relations, South-South Cooperation, Critical Perspectives on Development.


Thomas Hardern

Nationality: England
Institution: Instituto Igarapé
BPC research period: June 5th to July 20th

Manu Misra

Manu Misra is a researcher at the University of São Paulo’s International Relations Research Center (NUPRI-USP) and, more recently, a global postdoctoral fellow at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) School of Law in São Paulo. Specializing in foreign investment law, policy and politics, he received his PhD in Legal Studies (International Law and Economics) from the Bocconi University of Milan, Italy, and an LLM in Law and Economics from the University of Hamburg, Germany. He was a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law in Luxembourg and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany. Previously, he also worked for the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, where he contributed to the drafting of India’s Model Bilateral Investment Treaty 2015.

Lisa Thompson

Fellow Researcher

Professor Lisa Thompson is a political economist based at the University of the Western Cape. Lisa specialises in the research activist tradition of examining local impacts of global and national policy initiatives focused on targeting the scourge of inequality. Lisa writes extensively on the BRICS bloc and FOCAC as well as related global, continental and more nationally based economic policy dynamics.

Linjie Chou Zanadu

Nationality:  Swedish
Short Bio:

Linjie Chou Zanadu is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the European Centre for Peace and Development, established by the United Nations University for Peace. His research interests include the Anglo-Saxon hegemonic structure, US-China relations, and race relations. At the BRICS Policy Institute, Linjie focuses on Brazilian racial discourse. His academic contributions have been published in several respected journals, including the Brussels Economic Review, the International Journal of Global Studies, and the Zagreb Business and Economic Review, among others.

Bibiana Maia

Press Officer

Journalist and Master in Sustainable Development Practices (UFRRJ)

Carolina de Oliveira Salgado



PhD in International Relations (PUC-Rio), in the area of International Politics with an emphasis on European Studies and European Union-Latin America relations. She is currently a researcher at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg. She has extensive experience in research and documentation in the areas of Contemporary History and Brazilian Foreign Policy. She also has experience in international organizations, including the Complementary Training Program of the Brazilian Delegation to the United Nations and other organizations in Geneva. She undertook academic exchanges in 2006 (Coimbra / Portugal), 2010 (Lisbon / Portugal) and 2014-2017 (Hamburg / Germany).

Beatriz Teixeira

Assistant Researcher

Beatriz Nazareth de Souza Teixeira is a master’s student in International Relations at the Institute of International Relations (IRI) at PUC-Rio and a Monitoring and Evaluation consultant at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in Geneva, Switzerland. She has a bachelor’s degree in Law, an MBA in Biodiversity and Sustainability and a professional specialization in Sustainability Management. She researches the intersection between gender, data and development. With a professional background in education and technology, she was the coordinator of the CDI Global network and the Technology at School Observatory at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation’s Center for Excellence and Innovation in Educational Policies (CEIPE/FGV). She is a researcher with the network project Critical Approaches to Development, coordinated by Prof. Isabel Rocha de Siqueira, and in the consultancies provided to g7+ with SEED/BPC.

Lucas Carames


Graduated in International Relations from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2012). Master’s degree from the Postgraduate Program in International Political Economy (PEPI-UFRJ), with a dissertation on International Financial Regulation in the aftermath of the 2007/2008 crisis. PhD in International Relations from the graduate program in International Relations of the Institute of International Relations of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Visiting researcher at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO – Buenos Aires) (2018). Assistant Coordinator for the BRICS Policy Center in Task Force 03 for the Reform of the International Financial Architecture of the T20, under the Brazilian presidency of the G20 (2024). Research interest and work in International Relations and International Political Economy, particularly in topics related to Currency/Money, Finance, International Monetary System, International Financial Regulation and BRICS. Interest in theoretical discussions associated with Critical Theory, Hegemony, Structural Power, Constructivism and post-positivist epistemologies.