As part of its Undergraduate Program, the International Relations Institute of PUC-Rio (IRI/PUC-Rio) organizes seminars every semester. The topics are diverse and relevant to the International Relations academic field. For the 2017.1 semester, the seminar of the Program will have as its topic “O Desenvolvimento que Queremos: Bolsa Família e os Amores e Ódios no Brasil”.
Because of its experience with social programs, Brazil’s models to fight poverty are amongst the most exported in the world. However, those programs are questioned in the domestic sphere and the debate is divided, escaping sometimes from the most urgent objectives to be achieved: eradication of poverty, end of exclusion and satisfaction of Brazilian population’s basic needs.
Click here to know more about the event.
The Seminars are open to the public but have a limited capacity.
It is not necessary to subscribe before the event.
The Seminars will be held in Portuguese and there will be no simultaneus translation.