1st Seminar on the Municipalization of the Slave Labor Eradication Agenda in the State of Rio de Janeiro
Photo: Jornal O Dia
On January 28, the 1st Seminar on the Municipalization of the Slave Labor Eradication Agenda in the State of Rio de Janeiro was held, in celebration of the National Day to Combat Slave Labor, at the Leonel de Moura Brizola Municipal Library in Duque of Caxias.
At the opening table, the focus was the state policy of eradicating slave labor and the attributions of municipal entities. After that, there was a broader debate with civil society aimed at thinking, as a community, of joint prevention and awareness strategies on contemporary slave labor.
Professor Silvia Pinheiro, from the University of Nottingham and PUC-Rio, participated in the panel discussion on Labor Rights and the Productive Chain, along with Julia de Paula and Marcela Soares from Universidade Federal Fluminense.
The event, promoted by the State Committee to Combat Trafficking in Persons and Eradication of Slave Labor (CETP-COETRAE / RJ), in partnership with the Municipal Government of Duque de Caxias, the Regional Superintendence of the Federal Highway Police in the State of Rio de Janeiro and the University of Nottingham, had as its main objectives to contribute to raise awareness on the subject of contemporary slave labor and to evaluate the regional reflex of policies, programs and legislation with the challenges imposed by the current situation.
In addition to the seminar, there was an action by the Federal Highway Police, with videos, a brief talk and distribution of educacional material on the subject of contemporary slavery, which reached about 500 people.