What is T20 Task Force 3?

Task Force 3 (FT3) is one of the T20 task forces, an engagement group of G20 think tanks and research centers. Its objective is to support the International Financial Architecture, Sustainable Finance and Structural Finance Working Groups, contributing to the discussion on inequality between countries in the priorities of the G20 Serpa Track Development Working Group.

Ana Garcia (BRICS Policy Center and UFRRJ) leads Task Force 3 (FT3), in partnership with researcher Hiahong Gao from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, focused on Reforming the International Financial Architecture. Together, they are seeking valuable insights to influence global policies.

The call for T20 papers is open until February 5th.

See the submission rules at https://www.t20brasil.org/en/info/4/t20-brasil-call-for-policy-brief-abstracts-lets-rethink-the-world

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