BRICS Policy Center Signs New Partnership with Italian Institute
BPC announces its new partnership with the Institute of Political, Economic, and Social Studies (EURISPES), based in Rome....
BPC announces its new partnership with the Institute of Political, Economic, and Social Studies (EURISPES), based in Rome....
Registration is now open for the mini-course Spatiality, cartographies and color-coding in international practice, led by Prof. Dr. Nicolas Lemay-Hébert (The Australian National University). The mini-course will take place on September...
Registration is now open for the mini-course Spatiality, cartographies and color-coding in international practice, led by Prof. Dr. Nicolas Lemay-Hébert (The Australian National University). The mini-course will take place on September...
Confira aqui a Newsletter do BPC e fique por dentro das notícias, publicações, eventos que ocorreram nos último três meses:...
From September 9 to 13, 2024, the BRICS Policy Center (BPC-PUC/Rio) and the Laboratory for Future Amazon Studies (LEAF-UFAM) will hold a series of activities in the Amazon, more precisely...
No dia 12 de junho de 2024, das 14h às 16h, o IRI/PUC-Rio realizou a Oficina de Validação dos rascunhos de Cartilhas para entender o G20. A oficina foi realizada...
Oitenta anos após a Conferência de Bretton Woods, são necessários esforços conjuntos para reformar a arquitetura econômica e financeira internacional e torná-la adequada aos desafios do século XXI. Pesquisadores de...
"As Casas Casadas, no bairro de Laranjeiras, no Rio de Janeiro, formam um belo conjunto arquitetônico do século XIX, em estilo neoclássico. Ali, em um dos casarões tombados pela prefeitura,...
We are proud to give a voice to wonderful women. Last week, the BRICS Policy Center promoted the Convergence Dialogue, an event that brought together representatives of the C20 and...
The BRICS Policy Center was present in Brasilia on May 22 and 23 for a meeting of Brazilian and international civil society with members of the G20 Finance Track. The...