The BRICS Policy Center receives a delegation of students from Tsinghua University.
To mark the 10th anniversary of the “Belt and Road Initiative” and the 50 years of diplomatic relations between Brazil and China, the University of Tsinghua organized a visit of some of their students to Brazil. The objective of the work was to provide to the students/foreigners a deeper understanding of international issues, to foster their intercultural communication, international cooperation abilities and inspire them to apply their knowledge.
During the visit that was accompanied by our researchers Dr. Marta Fernández, Dr. Carlos Frederico Coelho and by graduate student Cândido Grinsztejn, in addition with the Chinese Fellow, Mr. Cai Z. The Chinese students looked to learn about the research of the BRICS Policy Center in general, China-Brazil cooperation, the economic development of Brazil, our political system, and the construction of the global and Brazilian ecological environment, among other things.
The Chinese delegation was composed of 10 graduate students, of the most diverse areas of knowledge, such as engineering and the humanities, and two professors that accompanied them. The meeting was also an opportunity to talk about the activity organized by the Institute of International Relations at PUC-Rio that will accompany a group of students to China this April.