The 2018 High-level Meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum and side events
The 2018 High-level Meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum took place on 21 and 22 May, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. This year’s theme was “The strategic role of development cooperation in achieving the 2030 Agenda: Building sustainable and resilient societies”, and the BRICS Policy Center was represented by Professor Paulo Esteves.
In addition to bringing together a wide range of participants and bringing their perceptions about development cooperation to the forefront, the forum encouraged the organization of side events such as “Human Rights Based Approaches in South-South Development Cooperation” promoted by the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness, Reality of Aid and IBON International; and “Development Cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda: Convergence and Divergence of Official Development Assistance and South-South Cooperation”, promoted by the Network of Southern Think Tanks (NEST) and the German Development Institute.