Task Force 3 participates in the conference Retrofit for Purpose: Reforming the International Financial Architecture

The reform of the international financial architecture and the role of the G20 were some of the main topics discussed at the conference “Retrofit for Purpose: Reform of the International Financial Architecture”, organized by the Institute of Economics of UFRJ and IDEAS (an international network of economists), with the participation of Task Force 3, under the leadership of the BRICS Policy Center.

“The contributions and discussions were very rich, covering diverse but complementary topics such as the challenges of financing development, the economic policy space in the face of capital mobility, the hegemony of the dollar and its effects, the BW (Bretton Woods) institutions and the points of reform of the international financial architecture, as well as the role of the G20 in this process, the mobilization of public resources for development, the role of financial regulation and even a new multilateralism,” said Lucas Carames, a researcher at the BRICS Policy Center.

The photos in the post are of the members of Task Force 3: Maria Antonieta Lins, Lucas Carames, Fernanda Feil, Ernani Torres, Marina Zucker-Marques, Haigong Gao, Iyabo Masha, Ernani Torres and Ana Garcia.

The event was also attended by intellectuals and policymakers who are references in studies on the International Financial Architecture in Economics and International Relations, such as Jayati Gosh, C. P. Chandrasekhar, Jan Kregel, Jose Antonio Ocampo, Prabhat Patnaik, Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Wladen Bello, Lena Lavinas, Laura de Carvalho, Martin Guzman, among others.