3 de November de 2022
Radar, Socioenvironmental Radar
Radar Socioambiental: Interview with Lara Iwanicki
Nesta nova edição, o Radar Socioambiental traz a transcrição da entrevista com Lara Iwanicki para o Meio Descomplicado, o podcast da Plataforma Socioambiental do BRICS Policy Center. Lara é gerente de campanhas da Oceana Brasil e lidera o desenvolvimento de estratégias que defendem a criação e implementação de políticas públicas para a despoluição marinha por plásticos.
In this new edition, Radar Socioambiental brings the transcript of the interview with Lara Iwanicki for Meio Descomplicado, the podcast of the BRICS Policy Center’s Plataforma Socioambiental. Lara is campaign manager at Oceana Brazil and leads the development of strategies that advocate for the creation and implementation of public policies for plastic marine pollution.
In this new edition, Radar Socioambiental brings the transcript of the interview with Lara Iwanicki for Meio Descomplicado, the podcast of the BRICS Policy Center’s Plataforma Socioambiental. Lara is campaign manager at Oceana Brazil and leads the development of strategies that advocate for the creation and implementation of public policies for plastic marine pollution.