15 de February de 2023
Radar, Socioenvironmental Radar, Socioenvironmental Radar
Pre-COP 27: What happened at the Bonn conference?
In this new edition, the Radar Socioambiental the transcript of the interview with Cíntya Feitosa for the Meio Descomplicado, the podcast of the BRICS Policy Center’s Socio-Environmental Platform. Cíntya Feitosa is the International Relations Advisor of the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS) and attended the 56th session of the subsidiary bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which took place in June in the host city of the UNFCCC: Bonn, Germany.
Authors: Maria Beatriz Peixoto Mello and Maria Clara Mendes
Coordination: Maureen Santos and Beatriz Mattos[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]