Brazilian health and agricultural cooperation in Angola: An overview
After two research visits to Mozambique during the months of October and November of 2013, a scoping mission was carried out in Angola from the 7th to the 17th of September 2014. In total, 20 people were interviewed in Luanda, including representatives from multilateral and bilateral donor agencies, academia, civil society, and the national government, in addition to representatives of the Brazilian government. The objective of this research report is to synthesize key findings, contextual information and analysis required for understanding Brazil’s engagement in Angola, as well as basic information on projects being executed by Brazil within the sectors of agriculture and public health. The report draws on a variety of secondary literature, including the discussion papers commissioned in India, South Africa and China. In contrast with the Mozambican case, very little on Brazilian development cooperation in Angola seems to have been produced by other research projects. This highlights the importance of the present undertaking.