Brazil-China Agreements

The relationship between Brazil and China, diplomatically established in 1974, occupies a prominent place in the Brazilian political and economic agenda. Not for less, since 2009 China has been Brazil’s largest economic partner, responsible for 27.6% of Brazilian exports, and one of the largest suppliers of FDI to the country.
For China, which has major interests in Latin America, Brazil is a strategic ally and, in terms of the number of agreements, there is a high concentration during the Workers’ Party (PT) governments: from 2002 to 2010, President Lula signed 53 agreements with China; and the Dilma government (2011 to 2016) inaugurated 109 agreements. It is worth noting that the years with the highest volume of agreements signed (2004, 2009, 2014, and 2015) were also years of high-level visits between the two countries. The visits present opportunities for both its main partners on the continent. One of the visible facets of this relationship are the agreements concluded between the countries.
This factsheet maps the agreements signed between the two countries between 1999 and September 2019, analyzing categories such as year and government of conclusion, actors involved, thematic area, and implementation or not of the agreement.

Authors: Clara Giffoni, Anna Becker and Manuela Pestana.