Peacekeeping, stabilization and counterinsurgency

Peacekeeping, stabilization and counterinsurgency

Research associated with this area will analyze discourses and practices of intervention and peace production in the context of armed conflicts and political crises in the Global South. The most recent transformations in multinational peace operations and statebuilding processes will be analyzed, including the increasing scope of stabilization and counterinsurgency mechanisms and practices. The research will interrogate prevailing models of violence treatment and of conflict transformation, their impacts on the protection of civilians, humanitarian action, the security-development nexus, the civil-military relations and other points. Questioning processes of securitization and militarization of the public space, the research included in this thematic area also navigates the interfaces between international security, national defense and public security. In this aspect, we will critically analyze the logics of violence, control and order that permeate the practices of policing and pacification in contemporary urban contexts.