Peace processes, international mediation, peacebuilding and conflict transformation
Peace processes, international mediation, peacebuilding and conflict transformation
Research associated with this thematic area investigate different processes of conflict transformation, such as international negotiation and mediation practices, with a special attention to contexts of the Global South in general and of Latin America in particular. This research agenda includes the analysis of topics such as the possibilities and challenges for capacity-building in the field of international mediation, the role of regional bodies and alliances in the promotion of peace, and the effects of the inclusion and exclusion of different actors at the negotiating table, amongst others. Moreover, specific cases of conflict transformation, such as intrastate and interstate peace processes, are critically analyzed, with the aim of understanding their progresses, silences and lessons. The development of teaching packages, gathering essential readings in the fields of international mediation and conflict resolution, also represent an important contribution for the understanding of these practices, in relation to traditional and critical perspectives.