Professors Ana Garcia and Maria Elena Rodriguez, researchers at the BRICS Policy Center, participated in the annual congress of the Latin American Studies Organization (LASA)

Professors Ana Garcia and Maria Elena Rodriguez, researchers at the BRICS Policy Center, participated in the annual congress of the Latin American Studies Organization (LASA), which took place in Bogotá, Colombia, between June 12 and 15.

They organized the panel “Relations between China and Latin America: Inversions, environment and agriculture”, with the participation of professors John Wilkinson and Fabiano Escher (CPDA/UFRRJ) and Fernando Romero (Unila). On the panel, Ana Garcia presented her research on China’s investment and free trade agreements with Latin American countries. Her work discusses China’s place in the international investment regime, questioning the extent to which the country alters or reinforces the standards and norms of protection for foreign investors in the region. Maria Elena presented her research on China’s role in the global energy transition and its repercussions for trade and investment in Latin America. The panel is part of an inter-institutional project between CPDA/UFRRJ and IRI/PUC-Rio supported by FAPERJ.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]