Professor Maureen Santos gives interview to VEJA portal

On September 19, Maureen Santos, a professor at PUC-Rio’s Institute of International Relations (IRI/PUC-Rio) and coordinator of the BRICS Policy Center’s Socio-Environmental Platform, gave an interview to Veja magazine about Brazil’s ecological transition program.


The professor emphasizes the importance of promoting the debate on reindustrialization that Brazil has been doing, however, she says that the country’s ecological transition plan still falls short of its potential; there is a lack in the areas of implementation, inspection and monitoring, for example. In addition, Maureen draws attention to the need for the Ministry of Finance to listen to sectors of civil society, so that the project is not entirely focused on other sectors, such as the financial market.


Finally, Maureen says that the discussion on the subject must include debates on environmental justice, socio-biodiversity and renewable energy, as well as diversification, urban mobility and food problems – if the transformation is to be truly effective.


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