Professor Maria Elena Rodriguez will participate in the Webinar La Banca Multilateral de Desarrollo y su rol en el financiamiento justo para el Sur global promoted by LATINDADD and the BRICS Policy Center

On September 26, Professor Maria Elena Rodriguez will participate in the Webinar La Banca Multilateral de Desarrollo y su rol en el financiamiento justo para el Sur global promoted by LATINDADD – Red Latinoamericana por Justicia Económica y Social and the BRICS Policy Center.

Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) play a key role in the global economy, providing financing and technical assistance for development projects in low- and middle-income countries. However, they have also become important actors that influence the formulation and implementation of public policies at the national level. MDBs have received support from the G20 to play an increasingly relevant and coordinated role in the global Financial Architecture, as reflected in the G20 Roadmap for the reform of multilateral banks.

As a result, this discussion is essential on the role that Multilateral Development Banks should play to provide fair financing to the countries of the Global South, to promote the investment needed for the economic, social and climate agenda, among other pressing issues.

The moderator will be LATINDADD’s Global Advocacy Director, Patricia Miranda

Speakers include:

Karin Costa Vasquez, General Coordinator for the Reform of Multilateral Development Banks, Ministry of Finance of Brazil, Presidency of the G20
María Elena Rodríguez, BRICS Policy Center
Esteban Perez, ECLAC
Kamal Ramburuth, Institute for Economic Justice

The Spanish – Portuguese – English translation will only be available on Zoom.