Professor Ana Garcia comments on Lula’s election to the national and international press

With the end of the Brazilian electoral period, Professor Ana Garcia, director of the BRICS Policy Center, has given interviews and written articles for national and international media outlets, giving her perspectives on the new Lula administration in strategic areas.

For the “IOL” and for the “Socialist Project“, the professor highlighted Lula’s victory as a moment of relief and important for the fight against fascism in Brazil, even if the phenomenon of “Bolsonarismo” still puts at risk the trajectory of the Brazilian left and the newly elected president. Ana Garcia gives a negative retrospective of the Bolsonaro government, highlighting, above all, his actions in the pandemic that demonstrated denial to the seriousness of the coronavirus. In foreign policy, the expectations are for a return to regional integration, considering the importance of indigenous and environmental values. Finally, she highlights that “Bolsonaro’s fascist movement will remain active” and the need to build popular leadership from oppressed electorates, such as the Black population, women, and indigenous peoples.

With regards to the diplomatic missions that Lula will face, the coordinator of the BRICS Policy Center told “Carta Capital” that Brazil needs to analyse the partnership with China carefully to have real gains and for the agreement not to become unequal. In addition, she highlighted concerns that Biden may have with approximations between Lula and Xi Jinping. For “Brasil de Fato“, the researcher alleges that “China will hardly abandon the import of commodities, since Brazilian agribusiness is the only one capable of producing food on the scale demanded by the Chinese market”, indicating perspectives for the BRICS with Lula’s victory.

Access the full articles:

“The missions of Lula’s diplomacy from his ‘re-start’ at the COP,” story published in Carta Capital on November 11, 2022.

“With Lula’s victory, what are the prospects for the BRICS?”, article published in Brasil de Fato on November 3, 2022.

“Neoliberal pact imperils Leftist Lula’s path to power,” story published in Independent Online (IOL, South Africa) on November 6, 2022.

“Lula’s Victory and the Fight Against Fascism in Brazil,” story published in Socialist Project (Canada) on November 8, 2022.