GSUM researchers participate in the 6th meeting of the Brazilian Association of International Relations (ABRI)

Last week, from July 25 to 28, researchers from the Global Southern Unit for Mediation (GSUM) participated in the 6th Meeting of the Brazilian Association of International Relations (ABRI): Perspectives on power in a redefining world (6º Encontro da Associação Brasileira de Relações Internacionais (ABRI): Perspectivas sobre o poder em um mundo em redefinição.)

On Wednesday, July 26, Professor Monica Herz, coordinator of GSUM, participated in the roundtable “The power and epistemic communities of international relations in Latin America”. Also on Wednesday, another panel discussion, entitled “Feminisms and Women in International Relations”, was attended by the GSUM researcher, Professor Paula Drumond.

That same day, the GSUM researcher, Jana Tabak presented the work “Building a” New Colombia”? Protection, participation and punishment in the demobilization of child soldiers in the Colombian peace process” co-authored by Manuela Trindade Viana and Luiza Villela. The article composed the panel “Participation of Children in Armed Conflicts: Critical Reflections from the field of International Relations”, whose coordination was also of Professor Jana Tabak and was attended by Professor Monica Herz as a debater. From the panel “Crime and International Relations”, which also took place on July 26, GSUM research assistant Pedro Maia presented the article entitled ” (Des) Assembling the peace process among the ‘gangs’ of El Salvador”.

On Thursday, July 27, Professor Monica Herz coordinated and discussed work on the panel “Peace and Security in Critical Studies”.

On the last day of the conference, Prof. Maira Siman, GSUM’s deputy coordinator, and Victória Santos, GSUM’s research assistant, presented the paper “Interrogating the security-development nexus in Brazil’s domestic and foreign pacification engagements” in the panel “Conflict and peace in developing countries “. On the same day, Luisa Giannini, GSUM research assistant, participated in the panel “The problem of justice in international relations: theoretical re-readings” with the article “The Al Bashir affair and sovereign (dis) equality: of the rules of the International Criminal Court “.

Professor Monica Herz presented the paper “The security-development nexus in Brazil’s nuclear policy” in co-authoring with Layla Dawood and Victor Lage on the panel “The nuclear issue and security”. Finally, on July 28, Professor Paula Drumond presented her work entitled “Women, Peace and Security: An Intersectional Analysis”, in the panel “Gender, Race and Intersectionality”.