Catherine Ali
Nationality: Trinidad and Tobago
Short Bio:
Catherine Ali holds a PhD from the Institute of Gender and Development Studies, UWI. St Augustine Campus, who also holds a M. Phil from the same Institution. She is currently a consultant in Negotiation, Mediation and Restorative Justice education, policy and practice, been an affiliate of Institute of International Relations (UWI Trinidad) and of Centre for Conflict Education and Research (CCER), Carleton University (Ottawa). Besides being a founder of Community Peacemakers – a voluntary professional mediation service – she has also established mediation service for the Dutch Island of Saba, and for ICOPA prisoners. Catherine´s research interests and specialties are gender and development, conflict transformation, crime mediation, which may be evident by her extend experience on teaching theoretical post graduate courses related to the topics, and her relevant professional post graduate training in mediation – which includes Advanced Conflict Resolution and Mediation Training, UWI (2009), and Mediation Consultation for Providence School, Port of Spain (2006)