Launch of the Joint Declaration of the Convergence Dialogue

The “Joint Declaration of the Convergence Dialogue” will be launched next Wednesday, July 3, in Rio de Janeiro. The document brings together recommendations for G20 leaders on the economic, environmental and digital areas, and is a collaboration of the TF2, TF3 and TF5 task forces and the WG1, WG3 and WG7 working groups of the T20 and C20, respectively.

On the economic agenda, the BRICS Policy Center and the Institute of World Economics and Politics are participating for the T20, and Gestos, Latindadd and the Institute of Economic Justice for the C20. In the environmental and climate agenda, the Cipó Platform and IDDRI are participating for the T20, and the Climate Observatory, Engajamundo and the Climate Justice Network for the C20. Finally, on the digital agenda, Data Privacy and ORF are participating for the T20, and Idec, Lapin and Amrita Technology Business Incubator for the C20.

The BRICS Policy Center invites researchers, journalists and other interested parties to the event, which is open to the public upon registration. It will be attended by leaders from the General Secretariat of the Presidency, T20 and C20, as well as civil society organizations, research centers and think tanks. The meeting will take place as a parallel event to the T20 Mid-Term Conference, which will be held on July 1, 2 and 3, also in Rio de Janeiro.

Data: 03 de julho de 2024, quarta-feira
Horário: Das 17 às 19hs
Local: Ação Cidadania – Rua da Gamboa 246, Santo Cristo, Rio de Janeiro.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]