In the first event of the Intelligence Forum, Finance Secretaries demand tax reform from the Union
On October 1st, Lauro Jardim (O Globo) highlighted how the five state treasury secretaries present at the first debate of the Intelligence Forum, including Henrique Meirelles (São Paulo) and Renê Garcia (Paraná), demanded a tax reform from the Ministry of Economy. According to Jardim, “everyone predicted a very difficult picture in 2021 with the end of the emergency aid”.
The Intelligence Forum brings together the BRICS Policy Center and Insight, with the support of the Institute of International Relations (IRI) of PUC-Rio and the House of Afonso Arinos, in order to maintain an open channel for debates with countries such as China, Russia, India and South Africa. In this 2020 cycle, the forum will present new points of view on subjects from different areas of knowledge, through lectures and seminars.
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