Get to know the Policy Briefs published by BPC researchers

The Policy Briefs (PBs) of the T20, the G20 engagement group that brings together research centers and think-tanks, are now available for consultation by society, including the documents produced by the researchers of the BRICS Policy Center.

As the name implies, these are public policy recommendations based on scientific research. They were drawn up to guide the heads of state during the G20 negotiations, whose summit takes place in November in Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of the PBs is to offer contributions with solutions to the challenges faced by the forum.

Check out the titles of the Policy Briefs prepared by researchers associated with the BPC in their respective task forces (FT):

Marta Fernández – “Addressing unequal distribution of care work through an intersectional lens” (FT 1)
Monica Herz – “The G20 and the need to reform the UN System” (FT 6)
Carlos Coelho – “Protectionism and rising challenges to ensuring the developing world’s priorities in the G20 Agenda” (FT 4)
Isabel Rocha de Siqueira – “Data governance for inclusive development” (FT 5)
Maureen Santos – “Fostering Climate Justice Finance in G20 countries” (FT 2)
Maria Elena Rodriguez – “Opportunities and Challenges for Promoting Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Infrastructure” (FT 2)
Paulo Esteves – “Financing a Sustainable Future: Global Challenges and Equitable Finance” (FT 3)
Carlos Coelho – “Addressing 21st Century’s Agenda: Global Public Investment for Global Challenges” (FT 4)
Ana Saggioro Garcia – “Sustainable commodities for climate, nature and people: Learning from the past, investing in the future.” (FT 4)

Access the website and consult the documents available in full by searching for the task force of each one: