Check out the video on the T20 Task Force 2 Policy Brief
There’s more to come from our researchers! Professor Maria Elena Rodriguez, together with other co-authors, is working on a Policy Brief on the challenges and opportunities for developing sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructure in the Amazon Basin.
The T20 Task Force 2 paper, entitled “Opportunities and Challenges for Promoting Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Infrastructure”, is being produced by Ricardo Abramovay, Cesar Gamboa, Brent Millikan and Maria Elena Rodriguez.
According to the BRICS Policy Center researcher, the work seeks to outline strategies based on three perspectives on infrastructure: infrastructure as mobility, social infrastructure and digital infrastructure.
The recommendations addressed by the authors take into account the major interventions carried out in the region in recent decades for agricultural and mineral flows. Thus, issues such as land conflicts, migration of local communities and preservation of biodiversity are taken into account when drawing up the recommendations.
Visit our Instagram and watch the video of the researcher talking about the policy brief.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]