BRICS Policy Center welcomes the Ambassador of Ethiopia
On January 31, BPC director Dr. Marta Fernández and administrative coordinator Lia Frota welcomed the Amabassador Extraordinary of Ethiopia to Brazil, Mr. Leulseged Tadese Abebe, and his assistant, Mr. Samuel Mengstie. During the meeting, various subjects were discussed, such as BRICS+, possibilities of cooperation with Ethiopian Think Tanks, organizing joint events with the Ambassador’s participation, amongst others relevant topics.
Ambassador Abebe served as Director General of International Organizations Affairs, Deputy Head of Mission at the Ethiopian Embassy in Israel, was Minister Counsellor at Ethiopia’s Permanent Missions in New York, acting as an expert on Syria, Libya and Yemen during Ethiopia’s tenure at the UN Security Council and as a senior expert on sustainable development, climate change and as a delegate to the UN Second Committee, UN ECOSOC, UNDP and UNICEF.