BRICS Policy Center researcher Ana Garcia gave an interview to the Global Times

BRICS Policy Center researcher Ana Garcia gave an interview to the Global Times. In the context of this year’s BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, in her analysis Garcia pointed out that this is a unique moment for the BRICS, since it is the first meeting since the new members joined. In addition, the group has received many applications for membership, which consolidates BRICS as an attractive group for the Global South.

She notes that the group is attractive to countries that feel they have no space in Western institutions and values. In this way, BRICS becomes a promising space for cooperation so that the Global South has its voice heard, since these countries have great economic power but are not well represented in the Bretton Woods institutions, leading to the creation of institutions such as the New Development Bank (NDB), for example.

In addition, this is a crucial time for Brazil to strengthen its relations with China, as this year marks the 50th anniversary of Brazil-China relations, and this has proved to be an important issue, given that Brazil has increasingly discussed its participation in the One Belt One Road initiative. Colombia, a historical partner of the US, has shown interest in participating in the initiative, making it an essential moment for Brazil to discuss the issue. These were some of the researcher’s considerations.