BRICS Policy Center promotes Convergence Dialogue

The Convergence Dialogue was a success! The event that promotes debate between members of the T20 Task Forces and C20 Working Groups took place last Thursday, May 15, 2024, with the aim of jointly thinking about priorities and recommendations vis-à-vis the G20.
At the event, the institutions present began to draft a declaration to be presented at the G20 Summit. The recommendation, which will be delivered at a later date, worked on three thematic agendas focusing on Finance, the Environment and Digitalization. Representatives from T20 Task Forces 2, 3 and 5 and C20 Working Groups 1, 3 and 7 attended the event.
Enrique Maurtua, senior climate change advisor and member of Thematic Agenda 2, said that there has historically been a lot of cooperation between the T20 and the C20:

“Engagement groups usually work on their own issues, but governments pay more attention when they see large, diverse groups saying the same message,” commented Maurtua.
Rodolfo Bejarano, member of Latindadd and participant in Thematic Agenda 1, said that the G20 is an important space to discuss economic problems:

“We know that it is not the only space for these issues, but I think Brazil has an important role to play in facilitating the debate on some problems, especially economic problems,” concluded Bejarano.

Keep following us to find out about the next steps in the dialog between the C20 and the T20!