
Event After Brazil: What’s Next for the G20?

The event will take place one week after the meeting of Heads of State in Rio de Janeiro and aims to assess the results achieved during Brazil's presidency, as well...

BPC Agenda at the G20

The G20 Summit, with the meeting of heads of state, will take place on the 18th and 19th, but until then, there will be an intense program, with experts from...

On October 25, professors Silvia Pinheiro, Sergio Veloso, Jimmy Klausen and administrative coordinator Lia Frota received a Chinese delegation from the SASS think tank, made up of professors from the fields of international relations, history, economics and ecology, as well as the vice-president of the foreign institution

During the meeting, they discussed issues involving Brazil-China-Latin America relations, climate change, energy transition, cultural diversities, among others....