
On October 25, professors Silvia Pinheiro, Sergio Veloso, Jimmy Klausen and administrative coordinator Lia Frota received a Chinese delegation from the SASS think tank, made up of professors from the fields of international relations, history, economics and ecology, as well as the vice-president of the foreign institution

During the meeting, they discussed issues involving Brazil-China-Latin America relations, climate change, energy transition, cultural diversities, among others....

On October 16, BRICS Policy Center researcher Carlos Frederico Coelho took part in a conference on “Neoprotectionism and Transformations in Global Value Chains: Lessons for the G20”, held in partnership with the Barcelona Institute for International Studies, Georgetown University and FGV/EESP.

During the event, Carlos Frederico presented the research developed in his Policy Brief (“Protectionism and Rising Challenges to Ensuring the Developing World's Priorities in the G20 Agenda”), in collaboration with...