Abstracts for the production of Policy Briefs, developed by BPC researchers, have been approved by the T20!

The T20 approved eight Abstracts for the production of Policy Briefs developed by BRICS Policy Center researchers. Here is the list:

– Task Force 1: Addressing the unequal distribution of care work through an intersectional lens – Coordinator Marta Fernández

* Task Force 2: Opportunities and challenges for promoting sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructure – Coordinator Maria Elena Rodriguez

* Task Force 2: Fostering Climate Justice Financing in G20 countries – Coordinator Maureen Santos

* Task Force 3: Financing a Sustainable Future: Global Challenges and Equitable Finance – Coordinator Paulo Esteves

* Task Force 4: Protectionism and Growing Challenges to Secure the Priorities of the Developing World in the G20 Agenda – Coordinator Carlos Frederico

* Task Force 5: Data governance for inclusive development – Coordinator Isabel Rocha

– Task Force 6: The Role of the G20 in Strengthening Multilateralism and Reforming the UN – Coordinator Monica Herz

– Task Force 6: Addressing the 21st Century Agenda: Global Public Investment for Global Challenges – Coordinators Paulo Esteves/Carlos Frederico

See the full list: https://t20brasil.org/en/info/4/t20-brasil-selected-abstracts

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