Seminar Performativity, Precariousness, Politics: interdisciplinary developments of the work of Judith Butler
The seminar Performativity, Precariousness, Politics: Interdisciplinary Developments of Judith Butler’s work took place between April 10 and 12, 2019 at the BRICS Policy Center. It was a student and interdisciplinary event that had an opening table with the presence of professors Carla Rodrigues (UFRJ), Berenice Bento (UnB) and Márcia Nina Bernardes (PUC-Rio) in a dialogue that opened space for thematic diversity from Butler. We had nine more tables with works related to the ideas of the philosopher in the most diverse areas of knowledge of different institutions: UFRJ, UERJ, PUC-Rio, UFF, Unirio, USP, UFMG, UFRGS, UFRR, Unisinos, UFSC, EBEP, UFRN, Unijorge, UFOP, UEA, UNESP and UnB.
The event was held by postgraduate students from PUC-Rio funding, with the Deanery of the Center for Theology and Human Sciences (CTCH), the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities (IEAHu), the Institute of International Relations (IRI) and the BRICS Policy Center as major supporters to carry out the work.