Plataforma Socioambiental participated in the T20 side event “Global Perspectives on the (missing) human rights component of a just climate transition” in partnership with Asuntos del Sur, Instituto E+ Transição Energética and Canada’s International Devolution Research Centre.

On October 2, the T20 held the side event “Global Perspectives on the (missing) human rights component of a just climate transition” in partnership with Asuntos del Sur, Instituto E+ Transição Transition and the International Devolution Research Center (IDRC) Canada. A researcher from Plataforma Socioambiental Maria Beatriz Peixoto Mello was invited to discuss what is considered important in the search for energy transition and an overview of the Brazilian scenario in this context.

The space aimed to highlight the importance of integrating human rights in the transition to a just climate regime; a global challenge challenge that requires the active participation not only of environmental defenders, activists and activists and human rights experts from around the world, but also governments, think tanks, academia and the private sector, among others.

Through interactive panels, thematic group dialogues and the participation of experts, the aim was to share experiences and contribute to shaping the recommendations of Working Group 2 (TF2) on climate and energy. The event was important for generating insights to strengthen the influence of organizations and activists from the Global South in the international political arena.