Webinar Addressing Systemic Inequality Through an Urban Lens

The partnership between the BRICS Policy Center and the Southern Center for Inequality Studies (SCIS) is of great relevance, as both institutions have inequality as their central research focus. This year, in the context of the G20, we are collaborating in the organization of two joint events that are listed as official G20 side events: a webinar on systemic inequality from an urban perspective, which will take place on October 9, and a face-to-face seminar integrated into the U20 at the G20 Social, in Porto, on November 15, which will address the same theme from the perspective of academic and advocacy actors. With the next edition of the G20 taking place in South Africa, the formalization of a new agreement with the University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with SCIS will be key to strengthening and continuing this collaboration, taking advantage of the synergy provided by the G20 transition between Brazil and South Africa.