Marta Fernández

Director of the BRICS Policy Center | Researcher


PhD in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2011) with a CAPES sandwich scholarship at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland (2010). She holds a master’s degree in International Relations from IRI-PUC-Rio (1996). Adjunct Professor II, 40 hours, exclusive dedication, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Director of the Institute of International Relations at PUC-Rio (2016-2020). She was coordinator of the Undergraduate Program in International Relations at IRI/PUC-Rio (November 2012 to March 2014). She was coordinator of the Graduate Program at IRI/PUC-Rio (February 2016 to December 2016). FAPERJ Young Scientist Fellow (2017-2018). CNPq Research Productivity Fellow – Level 2. Brazilian editor of Palgrave Macmillan’s Global Political Sociology series. Member of the Fiscal Council of ABRI (Brazilian Association of International Relations). Coordinator of the TEPP Program (Tutoring and Teaching and Research) at the Institute of International Relations of PUC-Rio, researching Africa(s) (2012). Tutor for the PET Program (2013-2016) She has taught at Cândido Mendes University, Unilasalle, Estácio de Sá University and Dom Bosco University. Teaching experience in the areas of: Postcolonial Studies, Introduction to International Politics, International Relations Theory, International Security, International Organizations, Formation of the International System, History of the 20th century and Contemporary International Relations. She coordinated the International Relations course at the Estácio de Sá-Niterói University (1998-2003). Member of the Brazilian Association of International Relations (ABRI) and the International Studies Association (ISA). Member at-large of IPS (International Political Sociology) in 2017. Researcher for the GlobalGRACE International Project (Global Gender and Cultures of Equality). Her main areas of interest and publications focus on: International Relations Theory, Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies, Aesthetics, Race and Gender Relations, South-South Cooperation, Critical Perspectives on Development.