Webinar “The UN and G20”

On July 17, the BRICS Policy Center organized at its headquarters the workshop “The United Nations and the G20”, based on the policy brief “Global Governance, the UN and the G20”, which was submitted to the T20 and will be published soon. The invited speakers – and also authors of the policy brief – debated the role that the G20 can play in rebuilding global governance mechanisms and the creative measures involving the G20 that can be considered to address the crisis of legitimacy and efficiency of the UN and in the context of demand for international public goods. The discussion, which took place in a hybrid format, began with a presentation by Dr. Charles Kupchan and was mediated by BPC professor and researcher Dr. Monica Herz. The panel also included Dr. Ana Rachel Fortes (San Tiago Dantas Graduate Program), and Dr. Frederico Merke (Universidad de San Andrés). At the end of the workshop, in-person and online participants were able to address their questions to the panel, contributing to the debate.

Click on the link below and check out the recording: