Convergence Dialogue: Thematic Statement 2

Sustainable Climate Action and Just and Inclusive Energy Transitions and C20 Working Group 3

The G20 must develop holistic transition plans that promote decarbonization, climate adaptation and biodiversity preservation, ensuring universal access to clean energy and due respect for human rights, as well as preventing and mitigating the adverse social and environmental impacts of projects power. To enable energy transition strategies in the context of a fair, sustainable and global economic transformation, the G20 must:
a) support institutional strengthening aimed at formulating and implementing transition plans led by national governments in developing countries, with robust mechanisms for engaging civil society, the scientific community and local governments and communities;
b) strengthen South-South and North-South cooperation to facilitate the transfer and co-development of technologies, promoting a green industrialization path with a focus on alternatives for low-income and commodity-dependent countries;
c) foster the provision of grant-based and highly concessional financing mechanisms to finance these transition plans; d) prioritize regions and communities dependent on fossil fuels, offering requalification and social security programs for vulnerable and underrepresented populations.