T20-C20 Thematic Declarations
The thematic declarations aim to draw up joint recommendations to G20 leaders in the economic, environmental and digital areas.
This Wednesday sees the launch of the Declaration of the Convergence Dialogues and their Thematic Declarations, signed by more than 35 institutions.
The documents are already available on the BRICS Policy Center website and are the result of work between the C20 and T20, the G20’s engagement groups. The aim of creating a declaration is to reinforce common ground between the groups.
The T20’s Task Force 3 on Reforming the International Financial Architecture worked together with the C20’s Working Group 1 on Fair, Inclusive and Anti-Racist Economies.
T20 Task Force 2 on Sustainable Climate Action and Just and Inclusive Energy Transitions worked with C20 Working Group 3 on Environment, Climate Justice and Just Energy Transitions.
T20 Task Force 5 on Inclusive Digital Transformation worked with C20 Working Group 7 on Digitalization and Technology.
The document will be delivered to the G20 leaders. This year’s summit of the economic forum takes place in Rio de Janeiro in November.