BPC Director Marta Fernández wrote an article in the Correio Braziliense newspaper
Shall we talk about the care economy? Our director, Marta Fernández, published an article on the subject in the Correio Braziliense newspaper. The text discusses the role of feminist activism as being fundamental in unveiling the male-centered nature of the economy and thus opening up space for the issue of care in debates and public policies. Drawing a parallel between the theme of the 2023 Enem essay and Brazil’s presidency of the G20 Summit in 2024, the text presents a perspective that has hitherto been little explored.
Marta Fernández is a professor at PUC-Rio and coordinates a policy brief on the care economy in the T20 engagement group. With this, she reinforces the need for this issue to be on the G20 agenda as a public policy problem.
Interested in checking it out? The article is entitled “Economy of Care: from Enem topic to G20 agenda” .
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