Jose Pascal da Rocha
Contact:[email protected]
Nationality: Cape Verde (permanent resident US)
Institution: Columbia University
BPC Research Period: July 14th to October 8th, 2015
Short Bio:
José Pascal da Rocha is lecturer with the M.S. program on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution at Columbia University, in New York, and a political adviser and mediation with expertise in cease fire mediation, security arrangements, national dialogue and gender and inclusion. More recently has provided mediation support to the Kampala Talks between the Government of the DRC and M23 movement, mediation expertise to UN Women working on the Geneva II peace talks for Syria and to the African Union High Level Implementation Panel in the talks between the Darfur Armed Movements and the Government of Sudan. He has written on issues such as “Social conflict resolution and intercultural dialogue” in: Ricomporre Babele – Educare al Cosmopolitismo, La Bibliotecca della Fondazione, Vol. 6, (2011) and the African Union Mediation Support Handbook, AU Press, 2014. Pascal is of Cape Verdean nationality and lives in New York, USA and Durban, South Africa.