Socioenvironmental Platform event discuss BRICS climate policy

The Socioenvironmental Platform held yesterday, at the BRICS Policy Center, the workshop Climate Ambition of BRICS Countries, which was attended by students, professors, researchers and representatives of civil society. The meeting was organized for the presentation of the results of the study with the same name produced by Plataforma Socioambiental in partnership with the Graduate Program of Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (CPDA/UFRRJ) and with support from the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS).

The study “Climate Ambition of BRICS Countries” is an in-depth analysis of climate policies, initiatives and positions taken by the five BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) both in international discussions on climate change and domestically. The research, therefore, seeks to promote a debate on the role of BRICS in the current situation of global climate governance and the main challenges of these countries in responding to the current climate crisis.

After the presentation of the studies, the participants were able to comment and suggest proposals to the surveys done so far so that these can also be incorporated into the final version of the studies. The final publication will be published soon.