For the second consecutive year, BRICS Policy Center is among the top 10 Think Tanks in Latin America

According to the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report 2020 ranking, the BRICS Policy Center has remained among the top 10 Think Tanks in Latin America for the second consecutive year. Since 2016, 17 positions have been gained in the category. The center also achieved the first place in Brazil and the seventh place in the world in the category “Best Think Tanks Affiliated to Universities”.


The result was released last January 28 by the University of Pennsylvania, which has been gathering efforts for 15 years to recognize the important contributions and emerging global trends of think tanks around the world. The 2020 report is the result of a survey answered by more than 3,974 academics, public and private donors, decision makers, and journalists. The ranking brings together more than 8,000 Think Tanks around the world.


In all, BPC was nominated in 12 categories, in which the Center holds a prominent position both nationally and internationally. Check out the list of all the rankings in the 2020 report:



#10: 2020 Top Think Tanks in Central and South America | #2 Brazil

#7: 2020 Best University-Affiliated Think Tanks | #1 Brazil

#16: 2020 Best New Idea or Paradigm Developed by a Think Tank | #2 Brazil

#19: 2020 Best Think Tank Network | #2 Brazil

#19: 2020 Best Transdisciplinary Research Think Tanks | #3 Brazil

#20: 2020 Best Think Tank Conference | #2 Brazil

#28: 2020 Best Use of Social Media and Networks | #2 Brazil

#33: 2020 Best Managed Think Tanks | #1 Brazil

#61: 2020 Top Science and Technology Policy Think Tanks | #1 Brazil

#61: 2020 Top Social Policy Think Tanks | #2 Brazil

#74: 2020 Best Advocacy Campaign | #2 Brazil

#87: 2020 Top Domestic Economic Policy Think Tanks | #3 Brazil


 The BRICS Policy Center, founded in 2010, is affiliated with the Institute of International Relations (IRI) of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.