Observatory of Subnational Actors – Rio de Janeiro
Continuing the series of Fact Sheets published by the Observatory of Subnational Actors of the Socio-Environmental Platform, this study turns to the analysis of the legislative matters and environmental actions verified in the State of Rio de Janeiro, in the period between 2008 and 2019. This series of publications aims to investigate the contribution of Brazilian federative units to polycentric climate governance, emphasizing the possible interconnections arising from Fluminense legislations and initiatives established in the socio-environmental sphere.
Unlike the previously published study, which referred to the state of Amazonas, the numbers observed by the team during data collection in the state of Rio de Janeiro drew attention for being much higher than those verified in the other two studies. Therefore, we sought to understand who are the legislative actors responsible for elaborating the bills and legislative decrees that deal with socio-environmental issues and how these issues were treated during the period of study.