The G20 and Civil Society: Launch of the “Booklet for Understanding the G20”

On February 23rd, BRICS Policy Center promoted the event, “G20 and Civil Society”, with a mediated roundtable by professor and director Marta Fernández, and with the participation of Henrique Frota, the president of the C20 engagement group. The event had the objective to explain the importance of the Civil Society 20 group, emphasizing the participation of organized civil society, mainly Brazilian, in a multilateral organ such as the G20.


Additionally, during the event, professors Ana Garcia and Marta Fernández, in partnership with ‘Rede Juileu Sul’ (Jubilee South Network) and supported by the Ford Foundation, performed the launch of the Report to understand the G20, together with three research assistants: Raquel Santos, Nadine Nunes, and Miguel Ferrari. The Report looks to democratize access to information about the G20, has a complete glossary of the most important terms, as well as a chronological overview of the creation, the expansion of the agenda and structure, and the Brazilian presidency that is up to date as of the creation of the Report.


Themes such as the event calendar of C20, with emphasis on the delivery of the ‘policy pack’ in June, the meeting of the heads of state in July, and the actual summit in November, the challenges faced by the group, such as democratization of the language used in the reports, the heterogeneity of the organizations that make up the group, and the difficulties of the Global South as a whole, were discussed by Marta and Henrique.


You can watch the full event on the BPC YouTube:


The Report to understand the G20 is available for download:


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